I was beyond stunned when I saw the buds open on this Iris. I am not sure of the parentage. I don't always keep good track of the seeds I collect because there are simply too many, and not enough time.
Regardless, this thing is awesome. I only have one fan, but it does have a couple shoots forming on the side.

What do you think?
I love iris. They don't do well in Texas except the Lousiana or African/Butterfly iris which I have planted. Down here, we have to put most bulbs in the refrigerator over the winter to trick them into believing they "had winter". Most here plant daylilies and agapanthus as they do well.
Growing up near South Bend, Indiana we had "flags" (as we called them) along one side of our house, just a mixture of the common purple and white. In rows in front of them, my mother had tulips, narcissus, hyacinths, daffodils, crocus, so that she would have a longer season of color.
Folks used to plant iris around tombstones because they didn't need much care, but that was before cemeteries began to mow them down.
lovely colors
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