Friday, July 13, 2007

To the asshole.........

  1. Anthony is not my child. Have issues reading? He's my godchild.
  2. It's obvious you are ugly, as is your progeny. And I have no doubt you are a Bush-loving Repugnican living with blinders on to the whole world. What a sad and pathetic existence you must lead. Kevorkian is out of prison now. Contact him.
  3. You're a coward for posting a rude comment but not leaving your name.
  4. I can use words with more than two syllables AND spell them correctly. That pretty much negates your idiot theory.


Anonymous said...


Fran / Blue Gal said...

Although I generally oppose going after trolls in a post (usually the best tack is to delete the comment and ignore it--they go away fast) I gotta say I love the Kevorkian comment.

LOVE the lilies. Didn't get to see mine (and I only have one) bloom this year before I had to leave the vacation place.

Volker said...

I monitor my comments and delete any rude or suspicious comments. Seems to work.

As for the daylilies, there's a great range of them isn't there! My interest in plants goes back to my teens and even earlier. Thanks for posting them. - Volker