Saturday, February 14, 2009


I bought a new phone cord and THIS was on the back of the package. Logic would seem to dictate that if you were buying a phone cord you might have an inkling as to what in hell to do with it. It's not like you have five or six choices when hooking the thing up!

People who need this image should really be employed cleaning up nuclear waste.


Anonymous said...

that's like the diagram that shows you how to put on a condom. if someone needs instructions on how to do that, they don't deserve to have sex.

Mitzi said...

I recently bought some eggs and on the label read Warning may contain egg! even on peanuts warning may contains traces of nuts! YES NUTS!

Sean Newbury said...

PB I fear they already ARE cleaning up nuclear waste... or at the very least are controlling it...

Derek Nicoletto said...

hahaha! I love it.