I am just so angry at Bush's veto of SCHIP. Ted Kennedy said it exactly - the government employees are on a form of socialized medicine. Not that it is really an issue, since even old Grassley says clearly that SCHIP is NOT socialized medicine, and hell, even HE voted for it!
Steve King (R-IA-pigfucker) is the ONLY Congress member in Iowa to vote against it. His office should be buried with emails and letters and phone calls should clog the phone lines. Email the pigfucker here or call or fax his DC office: Phone: 202.225.4426 Fax: 202.225.3193
I am not a recipient under this program, but I do know people who depend upon it and it is vitally important. Remember Bush's comment about healthcare - just go to the Emergency Room. Sure! I'm sure people that can't afford health insurance have at least $500 for each doctor's visit saved up.
Monday, October 08, 2007
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Thoughts on this?
Someone posted this as a response to why the Dems shouldn't work on impeahchment right now. I have removed references to the group, and the individual. I respect that he has a different opinion, but, I must say I am not even sure how to react to this. I wasn't alive when Nixon was President (or was maybe 9 months old), and I remember the shock and disappointment I felt when reading about the internment camps for Japanese-Americans. This fifty-year test seems to me a cop-out in a sense - "Let's let someone else worry about this."
What about the oath of office?
If I recall, Lincoln suspended habeas corpus, and the SCOTUS later shot it down. And the Japanese-American internment camps, FDR rescinded his order and Congress awarded payments for loss of property and formal apologies were issued (too little, too late, I say).
If we were to follow this questionable logic; that extraordinary circumstances require extraordinary measures, it still doesn't pass the test. Are we safer now than we were pre-9/11? NO!
We're already going to be passing a disaster off to many generations, so we should dd more to it? Bush has already packed the court with conservatives. I don't see Thomas, Scalia, Scalito, none of them leaving anytime soon.
So, here it is:
What about the oath of office?
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.
If I recall, Lincoln suspended habeas corpus, and the SCOTUS later shot it down. And the Japanese-American internment camps, FDR rescinded his order and Congress awarded payments for loss of property and formal apologies were issued (too little, too late, I say).
If we were to follow this questionable logic; that extraordinary circumstances require extraordinary measures, it still doesn't pass the test. Are we safer now than we were pre-9/11? NO!
We're already going to be passing a disaster off to many generations, so we should dd more to it? Bush has already packed the court with conservatives. I don't see Thomas, Scalia, Scalito, none of them leaving anytime soon.
So, here it is:
"I am one of the few who agree with you on this ....xxxxx. In my mind the acid test for action is the question, "What action will best protect our constitution fifty years out?" In other words, what should progressive people be pushing for now that will result in the preservation of the U.S. Constittution in, say 2060? Historically, Presidents from Adams to Lincoln to Wilson to FDR to Nixon have stretched the constitution in times of stress (Alien and Sedition Acts; suspension of Habeas Corpus; Supression of speech deemed "Bolshevik"; internment of Japanese citizens; Watergate). In only one case was impeachment the remedy. In all other cases, patient use of the political process produced courts that restored the constitutional protections. The way to "protect and defend" the Constitution is to reelect Democrats in Congress and elect a Democratic President who will appoint intellectually honest justices and judges to the Supreme Court and lower federal courts."
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
One of my faves

This is just one of my absolute favorite daylilies to date. It bloomed for the first time this year. I know that one of the parents was the sweetly-scented Hyperion(not one of mine, but a favorite, for sure).
It's hard to tell from the image, but, it had a pretty decent bud count, particularly since this was it's first time blooming. And, of course, it has Hyperion's intoxicating scent. If only that came in a candle! The flowers were also fairly large, at least 5 inches across, and it bloomed in pairs, too.
Friday, July 13, 2007
To the asshole.........
- Anthony is not my child. Have issues reading? He's my godchild.
- It's obvious you are ugly, as is your progeny. And I have no doubt you are a Bush-loving Repugnican living with blinders on to the whole world. What a sad and pathetic existence you must lead. Kevorkian is out of prison now. Contact him.
- You're a coward for posting a rude comment but not leaving your name.
- I can use words with more than two syllables AND spell them correctly. That pretty much negates your idiot theory.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
More daylilies
A few of these might be duplicates from the prior post. The rose/mauve/magenta ones look MUCH better in person. And a number of these are fragrant. I use Hyperion heavily as a parent, which has those gorgeous lemon-yellow flowers and intoxicating scent. The light yellow one is definitely a descendent of hyperion, because it has a very strong fragrance.
2007 Daylilies

Just a few of my babies - my own hybrids. I'll update this page later. I have to go through and crop and rename and then upload another 15 pictures or so.
I made them small and may be a bit distorted; however, if you are using FireFox or Opera, they will open if you right-click on them and choose VIEW IMAGE or OPEN(in new tab for those of you using tabbed browsing).
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Some of this year's Iris

Monday, May 07, 2007
28 hours of Anthony - I'm beat!

For Kasey & Sarel's birthdays (hers 5/3/07 and his 5/5/07), I watched Anthony Saturday (ALL DAY!) though Sunday noon. Lord, am I beat! He'll be 2 in August. What a hand full!
He can say my name, quite pronounced. I am just a tad tired of hearing my name.
We had fun, but I need a day of rest before I go back to the snakepit tomorrow.
Here are some pictures. He is learning how to tease for the camera.
Iraquagmire - a few questions
Iraquagmire - a few questions
Bush, in furtherance of his idiocy, vetoed the spending bill for Iraq.
Bush, in furtherance of his idiocy, vetoed the spending bill for Iraq.
What I want to know is WHY can't people (Republicans, in general) acknowledge that Iraq is getting WORSE not better?
Bush, in furtherance of his idiocy, vetoed the spending bill for Iraq.
Bush, in furtherance of his idiocy, vetoed the spending bill for Iraq.
What I want to know is WHY can't people (Republicans, in general) acknowledge that Iraq is getting WORSE not better?
- If Iraq has nothing to do with 9/11 (which is a FACT!), WHY is setting a time-table for withdrawal considered conceding to Al Queda?
- WHY, after FIVE YEARS, are there not enough Iraqi soldiers to police their own country? Was not part of the "mission" to help them help themselves?
- If five years is not sufficient time to help the Iraqi's gain control, WHY was Congress, as well as the American people, not informed of the long-term requirement? Is it because they KNEW it would not have been approved?
- How can Bush question the constitutionality of a legislative action regarding a time-table for withdrawal when an express power of Congress is the power to declare war?
- WHY cannot people (mainly Republicans) acknowledge that Iraq is getting WORSE not better?
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