(Isn't he just cute as hell in this pic??)
I give him an A+++! Such a mess to inherit. SOME PEOPLE (read: Republifuckers) seem to have exceedingly short memories as to who is largely responsible for the disaster we are in, and it's NOT the CUTE President, it's the UGLY and FUCKING MORONIC ONE & Co (not to mention the puppet master, Darth Cheney).
Congress - I'm a bit pissed at the poo-pooing about prosecuting the criminals after the release of the torture memos. I read as much as I could stomach of them and was outraged, and we should ALL be outraged - every American citizen - at the things that were done with FULL knowledge of Chimpy & Co.
When you stoop to that level, you only invite people to want to revenge you for it. Besides the obvious ethical issues, every reputable intelligence angency will tell you that torture does NOT provide reliable intelligence.
And not to forget our First Lady. Such grace and elegance! I still think it's cool as hell that she hugged the Queen. Wouldn't we all?