Saturday, April 25, 2009

We'll miss you, Dorothy!

Everyone is blogging about Beatrice Arthur's death but I felt I needed to pay homage to a woman who, with her co-stars, helped me through some of the most difficult times in my life. It may seem rather silly to some that a television show can take credit for that, maybe shallow, but who cares - screw them. I have always found laughter to be a cure for things, and scientifically, it has been proven that laughter releases endorphins. I would watch my favorite episodes over and over and always manage to get a good laugh out of them, even if I could recite the dialog right along with them.

What self-respecting fag DOESN'T love The Golden Girls? I've not met any. And if not, they obviously have no taste.

Rest In Peace, Bea.

1 comment:

G said...

Mathew, My hubby and I love the Golden Girls. I have the same deep feelings for the Carpenters, Karen and Richard. Ny brothers died in a private plane crash 38yrs ago. They were 22 and 13, I was 21. My Mom and Sis saw the crash. Everything got real fucked up after that. All I did was listen to the Carpenters over and over and over. They were my safe place. In 75 I worked at a cafe on the Sunset strip. They would come in for lunch. They gave me their autograph. It is the only autograph I have, and I have lived here for 38yrs. She is buried 20 miles west of here. I visit the family cript about twice a year, and say thank you I miss you. We are touched by so many people in our lives, but few change our lives, and make it better. Mike studio city, ca