The weather has been insane! It was warm one week and then cold and then semi-warm, and then rain, rain, rain, rain, and then HAIL FROM HELL - 3" I had all over my yard, shredding what was blooming. It has been pretty cool for this time of year, which isn't conducive to most flowers. My oldest and favorite peony - only half of it is coming up this year, the other half must be dead. Normally it would be knee-high by now. And my Seven Sister's rose, which I got from my grandmother, who got it from her mother-in-law, who got it from her mother...and so on and so forth - well, it died back to the ground, but is FINALLY coming up. Of course, it only blooms on old wood, so no beatiful clusters of seven flowers this year. I even protected it with chicken-wire. It was this crazy-ass weather. My lilacs are doing ok. The biggest one is blooming, but only on the highest branches. One of the babies I moved a few years ago is finally blooming, I might snap a shot of it tomorrow. The other two babies I planted at the same time haven't done shit. I'm going to dig them up and plant something else there. I've got 600+ daylily seeds in peat pots in the fridge, and I'll be able to start pulling them out in a few weeks. They don't bloom for at least two seasons but they are my babies. At least my flowers have sex!